2024 Winter Conference Schedule & Clinic Descriptions

Session Time Clinic Title/Description Room
7:30 AM Registration Open Choir Room
8:30 AM - 8:50 AM
Keynote: JD Burnett Band Hall
8:30 AM Festival Choir Check-In Choir Room
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Empowering Singers Through Improvisation and Student Choice
Jacob Augsten, clinician
DESCRIPTION: For choral artists, improvisation can seem like a daunting concept. However, it can be viewed through a different lens: one in which we make choices based upon a specific set of parameters. In the context of a choral rehearsal, improvisation provides our students with the opportunity to make their own choices under the guidance which we lay before them. Using this principle of the connection between improvisation and student choice, this session will explore ways in which we may empower students with a broader and further developed choral skill set. In the session, the presenter will provide methods with which improvisation and student choice can be used to improve sight reading, phrasing and articulation, and the entire choral skill set.

Band Hall


9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Le'go My Ego: Balancing the Scales at Work
Tod Fish, clinician
DESCRIPTION: The profession of choral music education has lost educators in droves since 2020. This session will explore the possible reasons why so many are leaving the field and ways that we can combat the daily pressures felt through balance in our work and personal lives. Dr. Fish will share perspectives from the writings of Brené Brown, Stuart Brown, and Ryan Holiday.

Orchestra Room

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Developing Independent Singers Within the Choral Program/Ensemble/Rehearsal
Christopher Rhodes, clinician
Many choral programs, especially High School, are expected to meet standards that are developed with the assumption of consistent enrollment and participation in elementary and middle school grades, regardless of the reality of their situation.

Secondary Choral Directors will listen and participate as they explore techniques in rote teaching while developing their students’ literacy within the Western European Classical Music Notation System. Participants will have the opportunity to explore and consider how rote teaching could not only lead to earlier student success, but also better engagement and cultural validation of the diverse students within a program.

The topics and resources will be presented verbally, with accompanying projections and links to online materials, as well as audience participation, reflection, and discussion. A handout will also be provided, printed and digital.


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Festival Chorus - Soprano Alto Sectional Choir Room
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Festival Chorus - Tenor Bass Sectional Ensemble Room
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Festival Chorus Rehearsal Choir Room
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
(Observe Festival Choir, Visit JWP Booth, Connect with Colleagues) Choir Room
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM The Care and Keeping of Voice Teachers: How to Find, Hire, and Retain Private Instructors Who Support Your Choir and Make Your Job Easier
Natalie Cummings, clinician

DESCRIPTION: Many choral programs in Texas have the great benefit of the approval and support from their district or administration to invite private instructors on campus to deliver instruction during the school day. This unique feature is one of the reasons why Texas produces the strongest student musicians in the country. But it isn’t always easy to find, hire, retain, and collaborate with private instructors. This workshop will lead you through each of those points: where to look for quality instructors, what to ask when hiring them, how to advocate for policies that will incentivize them to stay, and the different forms a conductor-private instructor relationship can take, and how it can benefit your choir and make your job, as the director, easier.

Band Hall
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Conducting Calibration: Master Class Session Focused on Gestural Fundamentals, Clarity and Expressivity
Joshua Brown, clinician
DESCRIPTION: In the day to day routine of teaching, choral directors in all contexts rarely have time to consider their own conducting. Through master-class format, Brown will provide conducting techniques and concepts to help conductors focus and refine their gesture to achieve a more clear, musical and vocally healthy response from their ensembles.
Orchestra Room
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Festival Chorus Rehearsal

Choir Room

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Observe Festival Choir, Visit JWP Booth, Connect with Colleagues)
Choir Room
12:00 PM Lunch on your own
Off Campus
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Reading Session - Two-Part Treble Songs Not About Love or Flowers
Kateri Lavacek, clinician; Nathan Ratliff, accompanist
DESCRIPTION: Looking for engaging, two-part repertoire for your choirs but only finding sweet melodies and love songs? Come discover repertoire that explores other topics and expands your programming horizons!  From Baroque to Jazz, Victor Johnson to Tracy Wong, and Malaysian to Spanish, we've got something for everyone to reignite your programming passion!
Band Hall
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM IT’S NEVER TOO LATE! Vocal Master Classes for Senior Performers
Dr. Sue Cruse, clinician
DESCRIPTION: Exploring the wealth of musical talent still alive and “kicking” in our senior communities, and how to offer them opportunities to continue, or begin, using their vocal talent to perform on stage and to provide entertainment to the public. Included in this presentation are discussions on Vocal Health and changes in the aging voice, mobility challenges that can occur in performing, creating vocal style when faced with vocal range limitations, and dealing with memory issues when learning lyrics.
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Festival Chorus Rehearsal
Choir Room
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Reading Session - Engaging the Developing High School Choir
Zachary Steele, clinician; Casey LaVie, accompanist
Band Hall
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Success Within Reach: Building a Sense of Community in the Title 1 Middle School Program
Linsley Liburd, clinician
DESCRIPTION: Together we will discuss strategies to build confidence in singers in the Title 1 Choral Classroom. We will dive into ways directors can support their students, and we will discuss the importance of making your room a safe space for your singers as they navigate the challenges they face once they leave school for the day. This session will provide information for directors to understand the importance of providing clear expectations, opportunities for team-building, student ownership, and choosing appropriate repertoire that helps build excitement for choral music. We will work to understand how to make sure every student in your program knows that they are an important and valuable member of your choir program.
Orchestra Room
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM So, You're About to Apply for a Job?
Jesse Cannon II, clinician
DESCRIPTION: Cannon will offer valuable insights to music educators on preparing for job interviews, providing a unique perspective through the lens of a fine arts administrator. Learn how to effectively showcase your best self throughout the entire interview process, from the initial contact to the final impression.
Ensemble Room
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Festival Chorus Rehearsal Choir Room
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Festival Chorus Rehearsal Auditorium
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM Repertoire Review - Spring Songs for 4th-6th Grade Choirs
Eric Robertson, clinician; Terry Berrier, accompanist
Mr. Robertson will be sampling a variety of spring themed selections that have shown great success with choirs in the past. From partner songs to 2 part music. This session will leave you with wonderful and great ideas for your program.
Choir Room
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM You Have 6 Minutes...How To Play the UIL Sight Reading Game
Mary Jane Phillips, clinician
Mary Jane Phillips will present tips on how to be successful in the UIL sight reading room taken from her 34 years experience teaching choirs in Texas. The workshop will culminate in a timed demonstration of what happens in the 6-minute and 2-minute study period.
Band Hall
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM Festival Chorus Performance Auditorium
5:00 PM Happy Hour - The Lazy Dog (map) Off Campus