The words to be replaced or removed from the bylaws are indicated with strikethroughs.  The new proposed language is in red.


TCDA Bylaw Proposed Changes
October, 2023
ARTICLE VI   Officers


Officers of the TCDA shall be:  President, President-Elect, High School Division Vice President, Middle School/Junior High Division Vice President, Elementary Division Vice President, Worship & Community Vice President, College & New Professionals Vice President, Secretary, Special Projects & Public Relations Vice President and Immediate Past President and Executive Director, ex officio.

ARTICLE VII   Nominations and Election to Office

Nomination Procedures:

  1. The nominating governance committee will present a slate of nominees to the general membership no later than at the business meeting during the Texas Music Educators Association Convention one year prior, the February prior to the election to office.

  2. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at that meeting and/or at the Summer Convention the year prior, and/or at the TCDA meeting scheduled during the Texas Music Educators Association Convention, after which the nominations will be closed.

  3. Subject to completion of the appropriate terms, the nominees for office will be selected from their respective area of emphasis as follows:

    • President-Elect – Membership at large
    • High School Division Vice President – High School
    • Middle School/Junior High Division Vice President – Middle School/Junior High
    • Elementary Division Vice President – Elementary
    • Worship & Community Division Vice President – Church or Community
    • College & New Professionals Vice President – Community and/or College
    • Secretary-Treasurer – Membership at Large
    • Special Projects & Public Relations Vice President - Membership at Large

    Election Procedures:
    1. The election to office shall be a majority vote using an online ballot of the voting membership.

ARTICLE VIII   Term of Office

A.    Officers will be elected for the following terms of office:

  1. High School Division Vice President, Secretary, and Middle School/Junior High Division Vice President will be elected in odd numbered years for two-year terms.

  2. Worship & Community Division Vice President, Elementary Division Vice President, Special Projects & Public Relations Vice President, and College & New Professionals Vice President will be elected in even numbered years for two-year terms.

  3. President-Elect will be elected during even numbered years for a one-year term.  At the end of this special one-year term, President Elect shall serve the regular two-year term as President.  The President-Elect may also hold any other position on the Board of Directors.

B.    No officer, after completing a two-year term of office, may be re-elected to the same office in the following term.

C.    The President, at the end of his the term of office, will serve as Past President for a two-year term.  if he is not elected to another office, will be retained on the Board of Directors as a voting member for a two-year term.

D.    Any officer, while holding an office, may be appointed to another office which may be open at the time, in which case his successor will be appointed for the balance of the original term only.

E.    A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Immediate Past President for the remainder of the term.

F.    Vacancies which occur in an office of the TCDA shall be filled through appointment by the President.  The appointment shall be for the duration of the unexpired term.

G.    Any officer may be removed with or without cause, at any time, by majority vote of the remaining Board of Directors if in their judgment the best interest of the organization would be served thereby. No officer of the organization shall be expelled without an opportunity to be heard and notice of such expulsion shall be given to the member in writing no less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which motion shall be presented, setting forth the reasons of the Board for such expulsion.

ARTICLE IX   Duties of Officers

  1. The duties of the President shall be:  to preside at all meetings of the TCDA; to appoint a Ways and Means Committee and its chairman; to appoint special committees and their chairmen; to serve as an ex officio member of the special committees; to call special meetings of the TCDA; to transact necessary business of the TCDA between general meetings; to be responsible for the general welfare of the TCDA; to serve as chairman of the Board of Directors; to call and preside over meetings of the Board of Directors; to appoint a member to fill any vacant office occurring during the President’s term of office; and to serve as the Texas President in the Assembly of State Chairmen and Presidents of the American Choral Directors Association.

  2. The duties of the High School Division Vice President shall be: to coordinate and host all events, clinics, and reading sessions pertaining to the division membership as prescribed by the Board of Directors; to serve as a member of the Board of Directors; to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  3. The duties of the Middle School/Junior High Division Vice President shall be:  to host all events, clinics, and reading sessions pertaining to the division membership as prescribed by the Board of Directors; to serve as a member of the Board of Directors; to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  4. The duties of the Elementary Division Vice President shall be:  to host all events, clinics, and reading sessions pertaining to the division membership as prescribed by the Board of Directors: to serve as liaison between the TCDA and the elementary division of the TMEA and other state and church elementary music organizations; to serve as member of the Board of Directors; to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  5. The duties of the Church Worship & Community Division Vice President shall be:  to host all events, clinics, and reading sessions pertaining to the division membership as prescribed by the Board of Directors; to serve as a member of the Board of Directors; to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  6. The duties of the College/Community & New Professionals Division Vice President shall be:  to host all events, clinics, and reading sessions pertaining to the division membership as prescribed by the Board of Directors; to serve as a member of the Board of Directors; to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  7. The duties of the Secretary/Treasurer shall be:  to keep accurate records of all proceedings of general meetings; to coordinate the association’s social media and digital presence; to serve as Chairman of Registration for the annual new music reading clinic-convention; to coordinate logistics for the Summer Convention; to correspond with board candidates; to serve as a member of the Board of Directors; to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  8. The duties of the Special Projects & Public Relations Vice President shall be: to assist the Secretary with the association’s social media and digital presence; to facilitate communication with the general membership in terms of promoting the organization; to coordinate and serve as liaison for regional representatives; to assist with special events and projects as directed by the President; to work with the President to create the schedule for the Summer Convention; to serve as a member of the Board of Directors; to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  9. The duties of the Immediate Past President shall be: to preside at general TCDA meetings of the Board of Directors in the absence of the President, to serve as a member of the Board of Directors and to provide written progress reports of the duties of this office as requested by the President; and to implement directives specified by the President and duties as outlined in the handbook.

  10. The duties of the President-Elect shall be to perform tasks and serve on committees as assigned by the President, to serve as a member of the Board of Directors, and duties as outlined in the handbook. 

ARTICLE X   Board of Directors

The TCDA Board of Directors shall consist of the President, High School Division Vice President, Middle School/Junior High Division Vice President, Elementary Division Vice President, Church Worship & Community Division Vice President, College/Community  & New Professionals Division Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Special Projects & Public Relations Vice President, Immediate Past President and the Executive Director and in even number years, the President-Elect.  Duties of the Board of Directors will be as follows:

  1. Make plans for carrying out the ideals and the purposes of the TCDA
  2. Provide for the general good and welfare of the membership at large
  3. Transact such business as is referred to it by the TCDA in general session
  4. Establish a contractual agreement with the Executive Director.

ARTICLE XII Standing Committees 

A. Ways and Means: This committee shall recommend methods and ways of achieving the purpose of the  TCDA as stated in Article II. The committee and its chairman shall be appointed by the President. 

B. Nominating Governance Committee: This committee shall prepare a slate of nominees to be presented to the  members as stipulated in Article VII, as well as suggest and assist with changes to the constitution and bylaws, approval of which occurs as stipulated in Article XIII.

C. Scholarship Committee: This committee shall oversee all aspects of the scholarship program to include  development of appropriate methods for and solicitation of funds, setting requirements and standards  for scholarship recipients, and, with the Executive Director administering the scholarship funds. 

D. Budget Finance Committee: This committee’s purpose is to review, revise or correct, if necessary, and recommend to the Board an annual budget submitted by the Executive Director. 

E. Personnel Committee: This committee’s purpose is to conduct an annual evaluation of the Executive  Director and the other TCDA staff members.

F. Other standing and ad hoc committees will be formed and/or dissolved as deemed necessary and voted on by a majority of the board of directors.


A. The quorum of the Board of Directors shall be five of the seven or eight one more than half of the voting members of the Board. (source -